Pilot Information
Wings of Mercy MN pilots come from all walks of life, fly a variety of single and twin engine planes as well as jet aircraft. They are united by a desire to apply their skills in this unique way to help others. Pilots are subject to FAR part 91 and must have a pilot certificate and current medical certificate. They must meet experience , rating and endorsement criteria for both the flight and aircraft. Pilots are also screened and approved by the Safety Officer or designee prior to being assigned a Wings of Mercy MN mission. Two pilots are required on Wings missions.
Pilot in Command (PIC)
The pilot in command (PIC) shall have demonstrated recent proficiency in the aircraft and possess current instrument rating. THE PIC must have a minimum of 600 logged hours; 400 hours as a PIC. Night IMC may also be required. The PIC is further required to meet one of the following annual review conditions - completion of biennial flight review; completion of FAA Wings program; or completion of an approved flight clinic or safety seminar.
Second in Command (SIC)
The second in command must have a minimum of 300 logged hours, be current instrument rated and appropriately rated for the assigned aircraft.
If you are a qualified pilot considering our organization we encourage you to explore further. Feel free to reach out to Flight Director Richard LaBute at dickandyoko@gmail.com.
Additional Information
We would love to hear from you .....

For questions or for more information on how you can get involved with Wings of Mercy MN, please reach out to us. Flight Requests can be made via phone. Passenger / patient forms are available via email . Pilot / nurse applications are available via email. Donate online at GiveMN.org (Wings of Mercy Minnesota)